Your donations, grants and contributions make it possible for the Way of St. James in Slovakia to grow further.
You can also make the Camino in Slovakia thrive by becoming a volunteer. There are many ways how to. For instance, marking the way or helping to organise different activities like presentations, exhibitions, guided pilgrimages, etc.
Support us financially
We are a civic association aiming to restore and promote the Way of St. James in Slovakia. Day by day, we try to improve this historic route for modern-day pilgrims who want to develop their spiritual dimension, get to know themselves better and discover everything Slovakia has to offer.

Direct donation to our account
Contribute directly to our account (IBAN):
SK54 0900 0000 0050 6893 5112
Receiver: Priatelia Svätojakubskej cesty na Slovensku – Camino de Santiago
Bank: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.,
Address: Tomášikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava
Account number: 50 6893 5112/0900
IBAN: SK54 0900 0000 0050 6893 5112

Donate now
With its mountains, valleys, rivers, forests, medieval towns, churches, ruins, castles, chateaux, Slovakia is the perfect country for rural tourism. It needs very little to make it happen.
Creating an effective marking system and a dense network of facilities pilgrims can sleep and eat at can make all this natural and cultural heritage available to everybody.
Pilgrimages combine physical, mental and spiritual well-being with sustainable regional development.
Your contribution will make a difference.
Buen Camino!
Join us!
The Camino in Slovakia is possible thanks to a great team of members, volunteers, partner organisations and supporters. In case you feel like taking more active part in all this, check out the options and join us!

Marking the way
Help us to mark new sections of the Way of St. James and to maintain and enhance the existing ones. Choose a nearby section you are fond of and know well.
When planning an event, e.g. a group pilgrimage along the Way of St. James, we will highly appreciate your help organising and coordinating the different activities.

Promoting the way
Share your personal, authentic experiences at presentations, discussions, forums, pilgrim reunions, radio broadcasts, etc. Online written and audio reports of your experiences on the Way are a great way to get involved.
Mapotic allows sharing natural, cultural, and spiritual attractions on the way, as well as sleeping and eating options. By adding information and pics of places and activities directly on the way, you are helping to create a useful and attractive tool everyone can profit from.

Share videos and photos from your journey
Do you have a feeling for composition and photography? Can you capture an interesting snapshot, edit videos, and want to stream your experience for everyone to see? Photos and videos from many beautiful places along the Camino can help us promote the Way of St. James in Slovakia.
Reports and videos from your journey on the Way of St. James can also significantly contribute to promoting the Camino in Slovakia not only among locals, but also beyond Slovakia’s borders.

Help us prepare the guidebooks for the different sections
Information on interesting natural, cultural and religious sites, sleeping options as well as useful and up-to-date descriptions of the way are very valuable when preparing the guides.

Contact us
In case you are interested and want to join our team, just contact us! We will be more than glad to answer any questions you may have to help you decide. If you have a suggestion how you could help us, get in touch!