Krompachy – Spišské Podhradie

This stage is very pleasant and less demanding as it passes the undulating landscape of the Spiš region. Field roads alternate with asphalt ones. Stunning views at the top of each hill will take your breath away. Take your time to enjoy three of Slovakia’s World Heritage Sites listed by UNESCO.
Gelnica – Krompachy

You will leave Gelnica and later on arrive in Krompachy along asphalt roads. In-between, you will need to go uphill along a forest road and then descend through a ski resort.
Pavčina Lehota – Partizánska Ľupča

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Partizánska Ľupča – Magurka

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Vysoká – Nová Baňa

Stick to the red hiking path. It will take you through stunning forest scenery to Lachtriská saddle, then to the village of Rudno nad Hronom and then to Nová Baňa.
Banský Studenec – Vysoká

Today you will be following the red sign all day. The route passes through one of Slovakia’s most beautiful and historical towns: Banská Štiavnica. We highly recommend staying here one whole day and discover its hidden treasures. The following day you can continue to Evičkino jazero and Krížna saddle up to Vysoká.
Zvolen – Banský Studenec

From Zvolen the route leads through Pustý Castle along the blue sign up to Veľký vrch. From here follow the green mark through Bacúrov and Dubové up to Banský Studenec. This stage is rather long and demanding. Consider dividing it into one and a half or two days.
Banská Bystrica – Zvolen

Leaving Banská Bystrica you will need to climb mount Urpín first. Today you will be walking along the blue forest trail, which will take you through the village of Sampor with its monastery, and around Sliač to downtown Zvolen.
Staré Hory – Banská Bystrica

From Donovaly the route leads through Špania Dolina, a charming little village which got stuck in the past, before continuing southwards to Banská Bystrica. Before arriving at Slovakia’s 5th largest city, the way takes you through one of its suburbs, Jakub, and its 14th C. gothic church of St. James the Greater, which has a relic of St. James and a stamp for your credencial.
Donovaly – Staré Hory

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