Veľké Zálužie – Sereď

This stage is rather undemanding as it leads mainly through field roads and bike paths. Make sure you take enough water with you.
Sereď – Trnava

Although today’s way is predominantly flat, most of it follows asphalt roads with little shade. The first part follows the yellow bike path 8232 to Horný Čepeň. From here it is just field ways through Vlčkovce and Modranka before entering Trnava. In Modranka, make sure you visit the local church and get a stamp to your credencial. Trnava is also worth a day to explore its unique Old Town.
Trnava – Budmerice

This stage is not very demanding. The first part goes mainly through field roads but the last part copies the Gidra stream amid a dense stripe of trees that will provide you with shade and protection.
Budmerice – Pezinok

This stage is moderately demanding. Field and forest paths alternate with asphalt roads. Be prepared to climb two short but rather steep ascents.
Pezinok – Marianka

This stage is less demanding than the previous one. Up to Svätý Jur you will be walking amid placid vineyards. Then you will need to cross to the other side of the Little Carpathians along pleasant forest paths to get to Marianka.
Marianka – Bratislava

This final stage of the Slovak Camino is rather short and undemanding. After just a couple of hours in the forest, you will find yourself in the Slovak capital. Make sure you stop at the Calvaria church and learn about its convoluted history before descending to the city centre.
Bratislava – Wolfsthal (AT)

The very first stage of the Austrian Jakobsweg starts, in fact, in Bratislava, at the ruins of the chapel of St. James. The first four kilometres are still in Slovak territory.
Rajka (HU) – Bratislava

This short stage is basically the last one of Hungary’s Szent Jakab út. Leave Rajka following the yellow mark that goes northwards around St. Martin’s church towards the Danube.
Nitra – Veľké Zálužie

Leave Nitra following the yellow bike path. It will take you to the village of Lehota and then to Veľké Zálužie. We do not recommend continuing, as the nearest possible accommodation is in Šintava, 20 km away.
Jelenec – Nitra

Although being extremely beautiful, some ascents are a bit more demanding. Take your time to relax and enjoy the view at the top of mount Zobor overlooking the city of Nitra, and prepare to take in the full beauty of the tiny 9th century Dražovce church just before entering the historical city of Nitra. Consider taking one whole day off to explore this ancient historical town. Make sure you pay a visit to the castle and the Via Crucis.